This is DAY 23 of the TRAIN LIKE FRANK ZANE workout series, where we train just like 3x Mr. Olympia Frank Zane. This is our LEG DAY from our PPL (push pull leg) workout split.
Since we are training each body-part roughly twice a week it gives us the opportunity to sometimes focus on one area more than another. In this workout we are going to make it a bit more quad focused, with exercises that utilize more movement at the knee joint, to emphasize the engagement of the quad, and somewhat minimize the range of motion in the hip (which focuses more on hamstrings and glutes).
Remember, like all Frank Zane style training, you want to go only as heavy as you can while still controlling all your reps, through the entire range of motion, and maintaining good rep tempo, with slow 3-second eccentrics. This style of training can be brutal as the burn in your quads will really start to build up if you're doing it right. With that being said, one of the keys to a really good leg workout isn't just technique, it's also about intensity! This is that opportunity to see what you're made of and how hard you can push your own limits.
Here's a summary of the workout:
WARMUP: Good Mornings with Resistance Band (1 set of 20 controlled reps), followed by bodyweight squats going deep at the bottom (1 set of 20 controlled reps doing 1 1/2's)
Dumbbell Hack Squats (heels elevated): 3 sets (12/10/8)
Frank Zane Leg Blaster: 3 sets (12/10/8)
Leg Extensions: 3 sets (15/15/15)
Leg Curls: 3 sets (10/10/10)
Standing Calf Raise w/ resistance band: 3 sets (12/12/12)
Seated Calf Raise w/ dumbbell: 3 sets (12/12/12)
Single Arm Cable Crunch (30 reps in total)
Lying Leg Raises (30 reps in total)
Seated Twists (30 reps in total)
And that's a wrap for DAY 23. Next up you've got your PUSH DAY on your own and then I'll see you in the next workout which will be PULL DAY.
Train hard,
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